I did not hesitate to take advantage of the good weather this time around, and Julie and myself took off with my two kids and headed for the beach.
It was Cillisa's first real trip to the beach (the previous one not counting, because she was sleeping!).
I am still blown away at her response to this great outdoors. I remember Jacques crying as his feet hit the sand, not enjoying it at all - though now at the age of 5, of course, it's all changed.
Still, here I watched my 15 month old take off across the sand, her tiny barefeet barely leaving a footprint behind her. She stopped periodically to pick up something off the sand, even bringing me a small mussel, still in it's shell.
And then she discovered the water. I thought she'd be hesitant to go in, it being cold and all. Wrong again.
She went in on her hands and knees, shrieking and laughing when the water splashed over her, and once, when I couldn't grab her up in time, the water splashed up into her face and over her head. She thought it was funny!
It was such a joy to watch her having so much fun.
And then, there was the surfer / body boarder standing on the sand that she walked past, looked up at and beamed a smile upon. He looked down at her, returned the smile, and then looked around at me, and grinned again, looking a little puzzled at his own reaction to this tiny creature at his feet!
And again I marvelled at how little girls, no matter how small, can twist a man around her finger with a dazzling smile.
I think this is where some women go wrong. They grow up, become guarded. Their actions are calculated or at least considered. Gone are the spontaneous wide smiles, and unselfconscious enjoyment of life.
I learn alot from my daughter every day. And I wonder what became of me and how to get some of that...
'innocence' back.