The world supports a winner. Its a simple as that. It's like that old saying,
"Smile and the world smiles with you, fart and you stand alone".So it is with winners.
First off the bat, let me say that yes, Schumi is a 7 time F1 World Champion, yes, he holds the record for 5 consecutive titles, 91 race victories, 7 consecutive wins, 154 x top 3 podium finishes, 19 consecutive podium finishes, 190 point finishes, 68 pole positions, 115 front row starts, 76 fastest laps, 1,369 championship oints, 13 wins per season (72%), 10 fastest laps in a season, 17 podium finishes in a season, etc, etc, etc.
Still, I can't help but wonder why this obviously talented driver felt the need to constantly press the boundries of what is acceptable and not acceptable within the FIA standards. Together with Ferrari, Schumi was involved in more scandals than any other driver in Formula 1 history.
And yes, they call him "Regenkönig" (Rain King) and "Regenmeister" (Rain Master). Also referred to as the Red Baron in Germany. And I agree, he deserves it. There never has been a driver to drive in the rain like Schumi did.
BUT STILL...the way he conducted his career, the lows he and his team stooped to at times, the lack of sportsmanship and integrity of some of his actions, never put him at the top of my list. Of course, I am somewhat biased considering I was a Jacques Villeneuve fan back in 1997 and well....we know how THAT ended. Of course, I am going to TELL you how that ended incase you don't know.
Now that I've made mention of all Schumi's titles and acheivements (however briefly), I now feel free to go into detail about all the unethical and devious tricks Schumi has gotten up to during his career - IN DETAIL. If you dont' like it, remember my last Celebrity Hit List post and 'Fuckhoff' now while you still have the chance - you're not being paid to read this post.

In 1998 our Schumi became a bit paranoid and twice accused fellow drivers of trying to KILL him.
First was Damon Hill who he accused of weaving dangerously as they fought for position. He later said, "If you want to kill me, find some other way", a statement that did not go down too well amongst fellow drivers.
Later in 1998, he accused David Coulthard of trying to kill him when Coulthard slowed down infront of him in the rain due to bad visibility.
Who could forget the 2002 Austrian Grandprix, where Barrichello, who had dominated the entire weekend, had to pull over for Schumi to pass in the last half of the final lap of the race, outraging fans world wide. These type of team orders undermined the sport and damanged it's credibility. Later team orders that inteferred with the race result were completely banned.
I can go on to mention Michael Schumacher blocking the track with his car to force a restart, passing a car under caution, winning a race in the pit lane, blocking the pit lane, etc, etc. the list goes on and on.
What a driver. What a chancer. But oh, WHAT a driver.
I admit, here, publically for the first time that I was probably more crushed than most when it was announced that Schumi was retiring. I did so love to hate Michael Schumacher The Air Puncher.