Monday, October 12, 2009

Why Blog

Hello Everyone!

I've been a bit quiet lately - been caught up with work and kids - I'm sure you all know the feeling of just having NO time spare, and if by chance you do - NO energy to do anything with it.

Anyway, I've been doing a bit of research on blogs and so forth, and there's no shortage of tips and information out there of how to make one's blog successful.  But at the end of the day it comes down to content.  
A bit disturbing to me was one specific tip:  Keep your content pertaining to your Blog.  i.e. if you've got a blog about aeroplanes, don't write about cars....

So that got me stressing about my own blog and if writing about my dislike of Michael Schumacher and my like of Enrique Iglesias was potentially harmful to my Blog. After all it’s got nothing to do with kids or being a mom.

Yet – it does. Because it’s me. And I’m a mom. And a wife. And a person. And other mom’s out there will know how hard it is to just be you, when you’re trying to be mommy and wife. ‘You’ comes last. And so if the only place I get to be ‘me’ and express thoughts and feelings pertaining only to ME, is in this Blog then so be it.   I have a personality and opinions outside of just those of a mother and wife.

Why did I start this Blog? Three reasons: Passion for writing, passion for my children, a longing to make people laugh.....

Passion for writing:- Yes, I love to write. My dream is to publish a novel – I’ve even written a few part of the way – but never get the time to finish it. Because I cannot dedicate myself to it. I love writing poetry, I love writing letters. I don’t get the time. To my mind, starting the Blog gave me freedom to write as and when I wanted to – without ‘losing the plot’, or falling behind.

Passion for my children:- well, what mother doesn’t have? And what mother doesn’t warm to her favourite subject; her kids – given half the chance and half an ear. Here, on my Blog, I can boast, praise, and complain to my heart’s content. I can ask questions and hope someone answers, I can share ideas and tips and hope it helps someone. And all this I can do in my favourite way: writing.

Longing to make people laugh:- Oh yes, I love seeing people’s smiles and knowing I put it there. So I might not get to see your smiles when you read my Blog, but I’ll know that if you’re reading it, and following it, that somewhere, at some stage, I will prompt a smile from you.

Truth be told, it doesn’t stop there – I heard about Heather Armstrong and how she eventually made a living from her Blog and was able to stay at home with her children and make it her life. Wouldn’t this be the perfect dream? For me, who has a passion for writing, and for my children, if I could combine the two on this Blog successfully, it would be a dream come true.

So it doesn’t help to write only what is ‘correct’ according to the experts on Blogging out there. I have to stay true to myself too. If it itches – scratch it. If it interests – write about it.

Finally, in closing, I am new to Blogging. So tips and pointers will always be welcome at any time. I tried to write on broad subjects and give you, the reader, a sense of who I am and what I am like before just launching into my life as a working mother. From now though, I am going to be more focussed on content; motherhood, pregnancy, careers, etc.

Beware, I am not averse to taking on anyone that needs it – because as far as I am concerned, here in South Africa there is way too little regard for working mothers, and even pregnant workers. I am joining the fight with guns blazing. I need wingmen – I invite you to join me!


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