Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Cheese & Jam

I had an appointment with my gynae yesterday.  The 35 week mark.   All is well and happy in Womb County with the new little man. 

As for me, well, all my little preggy nigglies - came down to just that:  preggie nigglies.  What to do?  Well, in short, live with it.

Two interesting things that I learnt though....

For the 'lazy leg' feeling - when you just dont' know what to do with your legs - take Vitamin B.   Apparently this is what helps reduce that annoying and destracting malady.


For low blood pressure - first of all - sitting for long periods of time cause your legs to cut off sufficient circulation of blood flow to your heart.   Standing for long periods of time also causes more blood to circulate lower and again the heart gets less.   For both, it is recommended you get into a position whereby your head is lower than your heart and wait for the horrible low blood pressure feeling to pass.   How you're going to get into that position is anyone's guess, though after experimenting yesterday, I discovered that if  you go down on your hands and knees and rest your head on the ground, your head is pretty much lower than your heart.  The fact that your rear is sticking up in the air is irrelevant!

And finally, while many people believe the best thing for a sudden drop in blood pressure is to grab a chocolate and boost those sugar levels, I was told yesterday that it's a very short term solution and actually can make one feel worse when the sugar wears off again.  A better suggestion  is therefore a cheese and jam sandwich.  Why.  Because not only are you boosting sugar levels, you're also increasing protein and calcium, both which help to make you feel better sooner and for longer.

I would have been selfish not to share.

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